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Simulation Driven
Medical Design

Our Services

finite element

Medical Finite Element Analysis

Our expert team in biomechanical linear & nonlinear static and dynamic analysis, fatigue analysis, thermal analysis, modal analysis, trauma & fracture analysis, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis performs the entire design and analysis processes and shares the results with you.

Analysis Service

Even if you have not fully constructed the finite element analysis work you plan to do, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our technical team will share their recommendations with you on the optimum analysis that can be made after learning the purpose of the study you have planned.

Depending on the number & complexity of the models, number of anlaysis scenarios  cost of such a service varies between 750€ - 2500€. 

Modeling Service

This service is for people who plan to do their own analysis.
Creation of complex biological models (bone & organ modeling, etc.); implant, abutment, etc. Reverse engineering of components and the creation of 3D CAD models are carried out by our team. The resulting models are shared in .STL and/or .STP formats.

Depending on the number & complexity of the models  cost of such a service varies between 200€ - 1000€.

Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi (FEA)
mechanical test and validation

Mechanical Test and Validation

  • Determination of material properties by tensile test

  • Strain gauge applications and measurements

  • 3 point bending test

  • Low-frequency fatigue test

  • Modal testing

Mekanik Test ve Validasyon
design and product development

Design and Product Development

Tinus Technologies provides services in the design and development of innovative medical products with its experience in mechanical and robotic design. We are continuing our work on the design and production of robotic devices, which are planned to be used in the field of dentistry, whose application process is ongoing for the TUBITAK BIGG Entrepreneurship Support Program.

Tasarım ve Ürün Geliştirme
custom implant design and production

Custom Implant Design and Production

Tinus Technologies; It carries out personalized implant & prosthesis designs and productions in accordance with the anatomy of the patient in order to treat cancer, gunshot injuries and accidental damaged organs, and to produce solutions in the treatment of patients with excessively resorbed bone.

In the design process, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance data taken from the patient are used. Production is carried out with 3D metal printers.

​Kişiye Özel İmplant Tasarımı ve Üretimi

Contact Us For Your Needs!

prototyping and biomodel production with 3d

Prototyping and Biomodel Production with 3D Printer

Tinus Technologies, which has FDM and SLA 3D printer technologies, provides services to its physicians in preoperative planning and pre-studies on the biomodel with high precision obtained by processing the computed tomography image and producing it with a 3D printer.

In addition, it carries out modeling & design and 3D printing of educational models used in dental and orthopedic fields according to physician requests.

​3 Boyutlu Hızlı Prototipleme ve Biyomodel Üretimi
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